Accessible designated parking spaces are available in the Theatricum parking lot, free of charge to visitors with handicap placards.
Ramps offer access to the amphitheater and bathroom facilities.
If you have specific needs for accessible seating, please let the box office staff know at the time of ticket purchase.

On the ticketing page, ADA seating is designated by a wheelchair icon.
These spaces can accomodate mobility devices by removing the chair or can accommodate individuals who are unable to navigate stairs.
These seats are reachable on our bucolic grounds with no stairs.
Service animals, trained to work and required due to a patron’s disability, are welcome at Theatricum according to our policies and California law. For the safety of our patrons and local wildlife, no other animals are allowed on the premises, including those providing exclusively emotional support, not trained to work, and not required due to a patron’s disability.
ASL Interpreted Performances
If you would like to be notified when dates are announced for ASL interpreted performances, e-mail us.