Outdoor Shakespearean Theatre
Category: <span>Adult Classes</span>

Adult Classes – Movement

Explore text and story through various movement theories! Students will break down monologues and apply a different movement theory each week, while also exploring their own physical storytelling strengths. Theories covered consist of Chekhov, Laban, Stanislavski, and Lucid Body. Alexandra Wright has a BA from the University of Southern California …

Spring Shakespeare Intensive

DATES: April 7- 30Mon./Tues./Wed.TIME: 6:00pm – 9:00pm * CULMINATION: Wednesday Evening April 30thExit Interviews by appointment LOCATION: IN PERSON at Theatricum *some rehearsals may go to 9:30pm  TUITION: $650 ENROLL BELOW For FOUR weeks this summer learn and grow from experts in the study of: Text, Rhetoric, Elizabethan Life/History/Music/Dance, Voice & …

Youth Private Coaching

Schedule 30- or 60-minute sessions with our expert teaching artists and experienced professional actors. Discounted rates are available with the booking of a 3-class package. Once registered, you will be contacted by the Program Manager to select a teacher. Scheduling of your sessions will be booked with the individual coach. …

Teen Private Coaching

Schedule a 60-minute session with our expert teaching artists and experienced professional actors. Perfect for college auditions. Our teaching artists will help pick your material, if desired. Discounted rates are available with the booking of a 3-class package. Once registered, you will be contacted by the Program Manager to select …